Xeomin vs. Botox: Which is Best for You?

Did you know that Botox injections were the most popular cosmetic procedure two years ago? In 2020, Botox injections almost reached 4.5 million. 

Frequent Zoom meetings and spending long hours at home looking in the mirror spurred many individuals (older and younger) to seek help with managing fine lines and wrinkles. While Botox is widely known in the cosmetic and dermatology industry, have you heard of Xeomin?

There’s been an increasing debate between Xeomin vs. Botox and which one edges out the other. Luckily, we will address all the hype about Xeomin and Botox and how you can get started today, so keep reading for more information.

What Are Anti-Aging Treatments?

You have likely seen the advertisements on commercials, billboards, and magazines, promoting cosmetic clinics. In recent years, anti-aging treatments through non-invasive or minimally invasive approaches are skyrocketing nationally. Unlike plastic surgery, anti-aging treatments at a cosmetic office include:

  • Fillers
  • Botox or Xeomin
  • Vascular vein therapy
  • Intense pulsed light therapy
  • Laser hair removal
  • Facials
  • Chemical peels
  • Body contouring
  • Microneedling
  • And more!

The benefit of anti-aging treatments compared to surgical interventions are less downtime, cheaper, and fewer side effects. The downside is that many will require multiple treatments, and they don’t last forever. However, several treatments work with your body to boost collagen production for longer results and healthier-looking skin. 

And isn’t that what everyone wants?

Anti-aging skin treatments aim to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, scarring, and even pigmentation. Some treatments can help add volume, eliminate fat cells, and reduce the appearance of sagging skin. At the end of the day, you should start noticing smoother and, more importantly, younger-looking skin. 

The Science Behind Botox

At its core, Botox is made from a bacteria that produces Botulinum toxin. Botox itself is a protein component, although it is made from the same toxin that also results in botulism. Don’t worry – botulism is extremely rare with Botox injections. 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Botox for the following conditions:

  • Eyelid spasms
  • Sweating
  • Bladder disorders
  • Migraines

It is also used cosmetically to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. So how exactly does it work? 

Botulinum toxin is an extremely deadly neurotoxin. In a therapeutic context, it contains extremely small doses of Botulinum toxin, making it safe for use. 

Injecting Botox into the body results in a few different reactions. First, it targets your nervous system and blocks nerve signaling. These signals help promote muscle contractions, which is why botulism results in extreme muscle paralysis. 

It helps prevent acetylcholine from activating a muscle contraction when used in therapeutic ranges. This process is what helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles. 

Benefits of Botox

The benefits of Botox are that it is relatively safe and effective for wrinkle management, which is why it has been at the top of the list of most popular cosmetic procedures. Most Botox injections don’t last forever, although some people continue noting positive results for up to one year afterward. 

Currently, the FDA has only approved Botox for treatments around the eyes and forehead. Other common facial regions that people still use Botox include:

  • Glabellar lines
  • Around the mouth
  • Chin

Off-label uses may include Botox for facial redness, keloids, inflammatory skin diseases, psoriasis, and alopecia. These treatments are not thoroughly studied for Botox procedure safety guidelines. 

Is Botox Safe?

Most people have minimal complaints and side effects after Botox treatments. Yet, it is vital to be aware of side effects following injections, such as:

  • Dry eyes
  • Nausea
  • Numbness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Eyelid drooping

If you start noticing more systemic reactions such as weakness or arrhythmias, you should contact your physician immediately. Swelling and bruising are two more common side effects and should disappoint after recovery. Ice, anti-inflammatory medication, and avoiding pressure will help alleviate some of those symptoms. 

Are There Different Botox Types?

There are several manufacturers and producers of Botulinum toxin for cosmetic uses. Botox is one of those brands with the official name: onabotulinumtoxinA. Other types of Botulinum toxin include:

  • abobotulinumtoxinA (Dysport)
  • incobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin)

Less common Botulinum toxin products are Myobloc and Jeuveu. These types of manufactured Botulinum toxins help combat dynamic wrinkles, which are wrinkles that arise with facial expressions. You may notice them most when you smile, frown, or laugh. 

What Do the Studies Show?

A meta-analysis review looked at 65 studies and over 14,000 participants. The majority of participants were females between the ages of 18 and 65. The majority of treatment areas include:

  • Glabella
  • Crow’s feet
  • Forehead
  • Perioral

Some studies also combined more than one treatment area, and participants had signs of moderate to severe wrinkles. After four weeks, most participants showed a reduction in wrinkle appearance. 

There seems to be a link between smoothing facial wrinkles and depression in recent news and studies. However, the study group was small, and the results were unclear.

Instead, experts started looking at the occurrence of Botox treatments for its approved uses and depression rates. Patients were split into two groups. All of the group participants had one of these diagnoses:

  • Wrinkles
  • Migraines
  • Spasticity
  • Neck pain
  • Eyelids spasms
  • Excessive sweating
  • Excessive drooling
  • Bladder disorders

One group received Botox injections while the other did not. The group who received Botox had upwards of 88% fewer depression reports.

How Botox reduces depression rate is a bit unclear. Although, improving facial appearance may help. 

While most uses of Botox are localized, a small portion gets drawn into the bloodstream. Either more research is needed on areas of the brain Botox targets or one of the human body’s natural responses to stress or depression – muscle tone. 

How Xeomin Works

Xeomin is a type of Botulinum toxin. The mechanism of action is the same as Botox, with the only main difference being a different brand. It is a prescription neurotoxin medication that a qualified practitioner must handle. 

Some of the main benefits of Xeomin are:

  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles 
  • Prevents wrinkle development
  • Noticeable results within two weeks
  • Short recovery time
  • Fewer allergic reactions than other fillers

How does the process work? A qualified clinician administers a light analgesic before the injection. Most times, this simple procedure takes ten minutes or less. 

You should avoid vigorous activity and watch out for possible side effects after Xeomin injections. Some of the more common Xeomin side effects include:

  • Eyelid drooping
  • Dry eyes
  • Localized pain
  • Dry mouth

The results of Xeomin should start coming to light within three days to a week. Full results will be within two weeks, and they can last for up to three months. 

Is Xeomin FDA-Approved?

Yes – Xeomin gained FDA approval in 2010 for blepharospasm and cervical dystonia. In 2011, it gained approval for cosmetic purposes similar to Botox.

In 2015 and 2018, the FDA also approved it for other spasticity and chronic sialorrhea treatments. Recently, it has passed approval for pediatric use with upper limb spasticity. As more studies examine the uses of Botulinum toxins, it may be likely that you will see Xeomin more widely used beyond cosmetic purposes. 

How Often Can You Get Xeomin Injections?

Health experts recommend that patients wait at least 12 to 16 weeks between injections. Additionally, if you have received Botox in the past, notify your health practitioner.

Contrary to popular belief, using more frequent injections does not result in positive outcomes. Instead, you put yourself more at risk of serious side effects or immunity resistance. In those cases, patients develop an immune response to Botox or other similar medications and render it ineffective. 

Opting for a dose sooner than 12 weeks can also increase the likelihood of an allergic reaction, such as hives, wheezing, or difficulty breathing. These are medical emergencies that require immediate care. 

Xeomin vs. Botox

Since these two share similar mechanisms of action and responses, how can you decide between the two? First, let’s go over their differences. Xeomin and Botox are two separate prescription medications and brands. Xeomin is a newer medication brand compared to Botox, which first gained approval nearly two decades ago. 

The key differences lie in Xeomin’s ingredients – or lack thereof. Xeomin does not contain additives, decreasing a person’s risk of developing antibodies against injections.

With a ‘cleaner’ product, Xeomin’s goal is better outcomes and fewer long-term complications. Xeomin may also become more accessible to clinics since it does not require refrigeration. Both treat various medical conditions, but Botox is more widely used for migraine treatments. 

How are the two similar? 

Both medications contain botulinum toxin type A, a purified form of Botulinum toxin. Five brand medications use this ingredient:

  • Botox
  • Botox Cosmetic
  • Dysport
  • Jeuveau
  • Xeomin

All these products are protein-based therapies that act as neuromodulators on motor nerve terminals. 

Xeomin vs. Botox Ingredient Differences

As mentioned earlier, the active ingredients are slightly different. Botox comes from onabotulinumtoxinA, whereas Xeomin derives from incobotulinumtoxinA. Botox also contains other proteins and additives. 

If you have had an allergic reaction to Botox in the past, it could likely be from an added ingredient in Botox. On the contrary, Xeomin is dubbed the ‘Naked Botox.’ 

It has fewer risks of an allergic and developing tolerance over time. Both products are highly effective, but if you have had a reaction in the past, ask your clinician about using Xeomin instead. 

Those ‘proteins’ in other neuromodulators are called neurotoxin-associated proteins. The addition of neurotoxin-associated proteins to injections like Botox is it helps with stabilization.

The function of Botox remains the same with or without the additives. Studies have found that Xeomin is equally as efficacious as Botox. 

Xeomin vs. Botox Prices

Unfortunately, there isn’t any regulation on how much Botox or Xeomin costs. The final price tag primarily depends on:

  • Where you live
  • Clinic prices
  • Targeted facial regions

For example, if you want more than one injection site, it will cost more, and each clinic may have different set prices. Each clinic may price its injections differently. 

Some set their prices on the facial region, whereas others base it on the units needed. Prices can range from $10 to $25 per unit. Single Botox injections hold between three to five units. 

If a clinic has its prices set on the facial region, costs can range from $250 to $600 or more. Since it is a cosmetic procedure, insurance is unlikely to cover these costs. These prices shouldn’t fluctuate much between Botox and Xeomin. 

How Is Dysport Different?

Dysport is another common cosmetic treatment product with similar mechanisms of action as Botox and Xeomin. Dysport also contains additives that may drive you away from using it if you’ve reacted to Botox. 

When you compare Dysport and Botox, you may see slight differences in result timeframes, but it is minimal. Botox and Xeomin can also be more precise than Dysport. 

All three treatments should still be spaced out at least 12 to 16 weeks, and you should avoid combining them. 

Xeomin in Raleigh, NC

The Aesthetics Lounge and Spa in Raleigh, NC offers Xeomin/Botox injections by highly skilled practitioners. The most common areas Xeomin is used are:

  • Forehead
  • Crow’s feet
  • Glabellar

With cosmetic injections, you don’t want to take any risks with the clinical you choose. Xeomin offers results to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, but it could result in more serious side effects without proper technique.  

Xeomin Pre and After Care Instructions 

After your treatment in Raleigh, NC, you must follow a few pre and after-care guidelines for the best results. You will also receive detailed instructions upon your appointment, which is an ideal time to bring up any pertinent questions or concerns. At The Aesthetics Lounge and Spa, here are a few tips before your Xeomin appointment:

  • Start arnica tablets 48 hours before
  • Plan ahead if you are prone to cold sores

In addition to arnica tablets, you should also discontinue a few other products at least two days before. Some of these may include:

  • Alcohol
  • Blood thinners
  • Ibuprofen
  • Vitamin E
  • St. John’s Wart
  • Fish oil
  • Primrose oil
  • Retinols

If you have had side effects or a reaction in the past, notify your practitioner before. Xeomin’s after-care instructions are relatively straightforward. Even with quality practitioners and vast experience with Botox and Xeomin injections, bruising and swelling are still likely. 

At The Aesthetics Lounge and Spa in Raleigh, you should plan for a few days to weeks of bruising and swelling. Arnica should be continued until this subsides. Here are some other Xeomin aftercare instructions:

  • Avoid aerobic activity for 24 hours
  • Avoid facials or deep compression for 48 hours
  • Avoid starting blood thinners for 24 hours
  • Do not lie face down for 48 hours
  • Ice injection areas for 24 hours (as needed)

It is essential that you follow these instructions carefully to avoid complications. After reading through this list, most of it should seem straightforward. But you may wonder what arnica tablets are and how they can help with inevitable swelling. 

What Is Arnica?

Arnica is a type of herb that contains anti-inflammatory components. It usually comes in oral and topical forms, and people use it to help relieve:

  • Pain
  • Aches
  • Bruising

The active ingredient – helenalin – is toxic if directly consumed. Homeopathic supplements dilute or use very small amounts of helenalin. By doing this, you can still reap the benefits of its natural anti-inflammatory effects without toxicity risks. 

So far, there are limitations in clinical studies and scientific evidence that would help support these claims. However, it is still widely used for these conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Shingles
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Post-surgical pain
  • Wound healing
  • Cancer

What are some common side effects to be aware of if you decide to use arnica before and after Xeomin or Botox injections? As an oral tablet, you should be aware of some of the following:

  • Throat irritation
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting

Most of these side effects are from concentrated dosages of arnica. Instead, opt for a reliable manufacturer and seller with carefully diluted or measured arnica dosages. 

Combining Cosmetic Treatments

One of the more popular questions surrounding Xeomin and Botox is whether you can combine them with other cosmetic procedures. Most Botox and Xeomin injections target facial regions. If you use other cosmetic procedures, such as laser hair removal, on other parts of your body, you should not see any reactions. 

You should avoid combining extensive facials that involve chemical peels or microdermabrasion with Botox or Xeomin. Why?

Sometimes, it is best to let the tissue and skin health first for the best results. Certain clinicians may be open to lighter chemical peels, but it depends on the clinic and practitioner’s comfort level. 

Dermal fillers are another excellent facial treatment option that you can discuss with your clinician about combining. Again – if you are using it on different facial features, you may be able to!

Dermal Fillers vs. Xeomin

How do dermal fillers stack up against Xeomin or Botox? Both treatments can target facial wrinkles and smooth fine lines. While Botox and Xeomin relax muscles, dermal filler ingredients help improve facial volume.  

In return, it can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Unlike Xeomin, it doesn’t target deeper or dynamic wrinkles. Dermal fillers are primarily used for smile lines. They also help reduce the appearance of scarring. 

There are also several types of dermal fillers that can impact the effectiveness and how long you can continue noticing results. Here are some of the common dermal filler components:

  • Calcium hydroxylapatite
  • Collagen
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Poly-L-lactic acid
  • Polymethylmethacrylate beads

Some of these options are not available to everyone, and most will require maintenance treatments. On average, dermal fillers last four to 18 months. Botox injections last around three to four months. 

SaltFacial vs. Xeomin

Are you wondering if you need a facial or injections? Ultimately, you should base your decision on clinical recommendations, medical or skin conditions, and treatment areas.

Raleigh, NC, SaltFacials are an excellent option if you don’t respond well to Xeomin injections or don’t want to come anywhere close to a needle. It may not last as long as Xeomin injections, but it can have the same benefits, such as treating fine lines and wrinkles.

A SaltFacial is also a great option to use once you have healed from Xeomin injections. It improves the appearance of skin tone, reduces acne scarring, and leaves you with younger-looking skin!

You don’t have to decide between the two. SaltFacial is pain-free and safe for sensitive skin. It can also boost your body’s collagen production for improved circulation, healing, and texture. 

How To Find a Clinic Near You

The best clinic for Xeomin or Botox is one that has highly qualified clinicians. Most complications are from user error versus allergic reactions (although those still happen). You should avoid basing seeing a clinic based on prices alone. 

Other techniques you can use to find the best clinic for injections are:

  • Read online reviews
  • Ask friends and family
  • Ask about credentials and qualifications
  • Ask about treatment options

If you have an interest in Xeomin injections between your eyebrows, ask about that beforehand. Some clinics may not feel comfortable or offer specific facial regions.

Lastly, ensure you have a consultation before starting, especially if it is your first go around! This allows you to go over any medical diagnoses, prescription medications, and questions. 

Start Your Xeomin Injections Today

Have you wondered if there is a difference between Xeomin vs. Botox? Both neuromodulators are widely used in the dermatology and cosmetic industry. The main difference is that Xeomin is cleaner and has fewer additives than its counterpart. 

Ultimately, you want something that delivers fast, reliable, and safe results. For the best outcomes, you need a clinic with a high level of expertise working with Botox and Xeomin. 

The Aesthetics Lounge and Spa Raleigh, NC. Are you ready to get started? Contact us today and find out more about Xeomin injections!

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